share power

美 [ʃer ˈpaʊər]英 [ʃeə(r) ˈpaʊə(r)]
  • 分掌权力
share powershare power
  1. Be willing to let go and to share power .


  2. And he does not share power .


  3. Both must learn to share power .


  4. And he does not share power


  5. What other devices , if any , share power supplies with the device .


  6. Now she must share power with the mother and I must marry the son .


  7. Many , if not most , teams in today 's organizations share power and executive functions among various team members .


  8. The second part firstly discusses the basis of other shareholders agreeing to share power in the transfer of foreign-invested enterprises .


  9. These monopolists of force and fraud saw no reason to share power with those they despised .


  10. Provinces have been ordered to share power and energy sources so they can be diverted to where it 's most needed .


  11. The US is behaving like a declining hegemon : unwilling to share power , yet unable to impose outcomes .


  12. In ancient China , the imperial power was the traditional autocratic political system , in this system neither anyone nor family dare share power with the emperor .


  13. That is a shame , even if it seems hopelessly idealistic to expect chief executives of public companies to share power with someone else .


  14. Tsvangirai becomes Prime Minister 2009-Morgan Tsvangirai becomes Prime Minister of Zimbabwe after agreeing to share power with President Robert Mugabe


  15. After three decades of undisputed rule , the accord calls for Mr. Mugabe 's ZANU-PF party to share power with the opposition .


  16. So , after months of disputing who should lead , the two announced on Sunday , they formed a unity government , in which they 'd share power .


  17. Summit statements that condemn violence , call on the developed world to share power with developing countries and urge diplomatic dialogue with Iran are easy to agree .


  18. Even if Mao had entertained a temporary deal with Chiang in the late 1940s , however , he was not one to keep promises or share power .


  19. In his first term Lula 's reluctance to share power with other parties led to a congressional vote-buying scandal that nearly destroyed his presidency .


  20. Governance is that a lot of actors set up the complex partnerships in an interdependent environment , public and private sectors to share power to achieve the cooperative management of the society .


  21. An even bigger threshold question is whether the US is returning to Asia to reassert the primacy of American power in the region , or whether it can share power with the Chinese .


  22. We don 't have much experience on how to share power and returns properly among the central authorities , the provincial and municipal authorities and the factories , and we should study the subject .


  23. With multiple screens , you can share Power Point on one screen ( limited to the resolution of the Shared Screen object ( 1024x768 )) with an OLIVE client on another screen .


  24. " It takes a strong , confident leader to share power ," Chen says . " Leaders who are more likely to share power believe in the power of many versus the power of one . "


  25. Under the constitution , an elected president , an elected 301-seat House of Representatives , and an appointed 111-member Shura Council share power .


  26. The method to share power quality data between different development platforms , monitoring equipment and analytic tools , has supported a way to promote the power quality monitoring system to develop in the networking , informational and standardization direction .


  27. Centralization of state in statute is a high quality , poisoned , whole people owned , solo , timely and wise work , it is also the start and destination of share power and responsibility .


  28. Some conclude that the Shias have no real intention to share power , only to string America along while using its firepower to destroy rivals and entrench their own dominion .


  29. Iraqi politics are deeply divided along sectarian lines and the government has been mired in crisis over how to share power between Shi ' ites , Sunnis and Kurds .


  30. What is the incentive , say , for China to play the role of responsible stakeholder in the effort to forestall a nuclear Iran when the US and Europe refuse to share power in global institutions ?
